Hello Angels
This weekend i made that extra effort to establish my blog by printing a few business cards. Now, how important is it to have a business card for your blog? If you attend a lot of events or interact with PR persons, then you may require a business card. Else no.
I wanted my card to convey a lot about me and my blog. So I went for a chic yet fun design. My first thought was to seek professional help with the design work. Then after giving it a thought and considering the cost involved, i decided to design one myself. Good decision. In 3 hrs time, I was done designing the template. I kept the front really simple with a white background. However, opted for a red colored back side.
I then got them processed with the printers. Overall cost USD17 for 115 cards.
I gave myself 3 options with the designs. And well, you know which one i opted for! I am sooooo in love with the card design and material. Also proud that I managed to pull it out at low cost. With Google and Pinterest at our disposal, anything is possible. Let me know if you need any help or advice.
Tell me how you guys like it?? Which out of the 3 did you like? Do you own a business card or intend to print one?? Please note, check on 'Notify Me' checkbox when you comment, to receive a notification email when i respond back to your comments. Letz make the communication 2 way!!!
Love xx
Love xx