Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Chanel Love | Review

Hello my lovelies...
My twitter/Instagram followers are well aware of my recent cosmetic purchase. I left home for a pick me up shopping spree and this is what i returned with. It wasn't a random buy. A decent Red Lipstick and a Primer was on my wishlist for quite sometime now. Though it was a coincident that my research led me to 2 Chanel products. Not very healthy for my wallet. Lol

Chanel Rouge Coco 25
First the Red Lippy. I am very conscious when it comes to wearing a red lip. I own a Red lipstick from Elizabeth Arden's special edition. But not a big fan of it. When the Sales lady at Chanel counter tried this particular red lipstick on me, I told myself  'gal, u look pretty!!'. For the first time I felt I could pull off a Red lip. It applies smoothly and easily onto your lip. And stays put for a decent no of hours. You may have to retouch after 3 hrs. But no complaints. It isn't too bright. For me it is the Perfect red.
Cost $45

Chanel Le Blanc (light revealing whitening makeup base)
Moving on to the Primer. Frankly i am not a primer person. I don't feel the need to apply a primer most often and also believe they don't enhance your look much. But after trying out this product, i was converted. Out of the 3 shades available, i picked Rosee. The color of the primer is very whitish. But once you apply your foundation on top of it, it gives you a luminous look. Something we all wish to attain.

I love the texture and smell. Easy to apply and it does bring in a notetable change in your appearance. I may not use it everyday but when the occasion calls for glamour, i will definitely reach for this product. It is definitely expensive. But since it is not a staple product in my daily routine, it will last long.
Cost $90. SPF 35.

Needless to say, Chanel packaging defines luxury and style.

Additionally, if any of you need a Sigma discount of 10%, email to my contact address. Only if you genuinely intend to make a purchase before September month end. 

Which is your favorite Red lipstick and primer? Let me know so that i can experiment a little. What is your favorite Chanel product?

            Follow me on Twitter @angel_fato
Instagram @fathoosh

♥ xoxo 


  1. I love the lipstick, really want to try one great blog post.

  2. My fav red lipstick has got to be Revlon in the shade 'Cherry Blossom'. And I agree with you on primers; I don't think they make a significant difference but then again I haven't tried that many primers in my life!



    1. will check out the same during my next boots visit....xx


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