Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Sauce Gifts | Favorite store

Hello Angels

Caution - visual treat and cuteness overload!! 
Today's post is very different from my usual. Let me e-introduce you lovelies to one of my favorite stores in Dubai. Sauce Gifts. The store is as unique as its name. I visit them for no obvious reason at times simply because the store cheers me up always, without fail. Take a look at their goodies below and you will agree.

Creativity at its peak!
If your looking for a unique gift, this store is perfect. The cuteness is beyond me. They stock designer clothing, bags, fun books, gifts, accessories, lights, unique home furnishing and other knick knacks. I always bring my visiting friends to Sauce Gifts for a 'lil guilty splurge. Yes, am a goody friend ;) 

The Rabbit cake stand and hidden animal mug are my new favorites. Adorable!! The fox hidden mug is on my wishlist. I can picture myself sipping my morning coffee in it. 
And don't be fooled by the yummy looking cakes below, these are scented candles!! aww....who can ever burn them??

Hope you enjoyed the short and sweet detour of my favorite store. Find out more about the store on their website shopatsauce.com. Let me know what you think and which is your fav store to visit.
Have a great week lovelies...please note, check on 'Notify Me' checkbox when you comment, to receive a notification email when i respond back to your comments. Letz make the communication 2 way!!!

Love xx


  1. this store is amazing, i think my credit card would get a great workout in there haha

    hey we are having a huge give away on our blog 2x mac products,benefit and urban decay. Hope you come over and check it out : )



    1. Ooo yes...indeed a good workout!!
      Mac and more goody goody??!! Am coming...


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