Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Food Art #3

Hello Angels
Weekend is around the corner and am looking forward to some quality time eating and sleeping
A big thank you to all, for your lovely comments on my food art, it makes me immensely happy!
So this week, my food art cover page is being rocked by Mr. Owlsen!

Am obsessed with owl prints or anything owly for that matter ! So here is a bite of me.....

Mr. Owlsen is made of..
Nutella, Bread, Apricots, Black Olives and Coriander leaves

To answer a few of you - Yes, i make these food art myself. And i do not waste any food in the process, they always end up in my tummy!

♥ xoxo 


  1. I must say..Creativity at its peak!!!Loved the idea and you are doing an amazing job here!!!

  2. wow, very very cute! haha, i love owls!

  3. Oh my.. this is adorable!! Owls are the best but this is the first time I see one in food art :)
    well done, love it! XD

  4. u r always a Doctorate in Creativity...

  5. @jessie @ Veronica and @ Thani thanks swthrts. Such feedbacks make my day!! xx


Thank you for your comment...they make me a happy lil bunny!