Thursday, July 25, 2013

Dessert Shots

Hello Angels
Long time no see??!! Yes, i was consumed by my work and other personal affairs, that i hardly had any time to blog. But keeping all things aside, i am extremely excited about this blog post.

When i invite family/friends over to my place, DESSERT is a key item on the menu  Plus i believe, they bring the perfect ending to any gathering or party. Agree?

So this week, i served Dessert shots! Very popular delicacy..especially for its extreme prettiness. Dessert shots are very easy to make. They can be set in less than 20 minutes. But of course if you go for a difficult recipe it can take you long hours. In whichever case they never fail to capture attention and your sure to receive loads of compliments on your presentation skills.

What to serve?
You may decide to serve anything from chocolate mousse to pudding as a dessert shot. Most often there are 2 to 3 layers of different contents. I filled the bottom layer with a mixture of crushed cracker & caramel, followed by chocolate mousse, then another layer of cracker/caramel mix. Finally topped it with whipped cream and raspberry. Wolaaa done!!! 

Making and eating them is such a delight. Absolutely love how they look on my dinner table. Have you ever tried your hands on dessert shots? What's your favorite recipe? Do let me know...

Have a lovely weekend lovelies???

Follow me on Twitter @angel_fato
Instagram @fathoosh

♥ xoxo 


  1. I love this idea! brilliant! :) going to try this :)

    1. Thank I let me knw how it goes ...xx


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